Introduction of Geographic Information Analysis Research Div.
Contents of the Geographic Information Analysis Research Div.
These are recent topics.The older ones are listed in [Past topics].Those that are not the first author are not assigned identification numbers.
- Presented at the Italy-Japan joint workshop on landslide monitoring systems and related topics(4-5 Nov.2021, online)
- Junko IWAHASHI:Seismic Ground Disaster Assessment System (SGDAS) of GSI Japan
- Takayuki NAKANO:Research for the improvement of SGDAS – liquefaction
- Ryo ENDO:Research for the improvement of SGDAS – prior rainfall
- Presented at the EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online(4-8 May.2020)
- Junko IWAHASHI, Yoshiharu NISHIOKA (AIST), Daisaku KAWABATA (AIST), Akinobu ANDO (Miyagi Univ. of Education), Shinsuke OKADA (Tohoku Univ.), Takahisa SHIRAISHI: Report on science classes and a workshop for teen students to learn geography and geology using Minecraft, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-12516,(Abstract )
- Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019(9-13 Dec.2019@SanFrancisco,USA).
- Junko Iwahashi , Yoshiharu Nishioka (AIST) , Akinobu Ando(Miyagi Univ. Education) ,Daisaku Kawabata (AIST):Learning support of geography and geology using Minecraft(Abstract)
- Junko Iwahashi,Masashi Matsuoka (Tokyo Inst. Tech.), Dai Yamazaki (Univ. Tokyo): Generation of segment data using 30-m DEMs as the base material of future hazard maps (Abstract)
- Ryo Endo, Junko Iwahashi,Hiroyuki Ohno,Takayuki nakano:Effective estimation of gravitational deformation zone in wide area in Japan using DEM and convolutional neural network (CNN)(Abstract)
- Presented at the ICC2019 TOKYO(International Cartographic Conference )(15-20 July 2019@TOKYO,Japan)
- Ryo Endo, Takayuki Nakano:Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme(Abstract)
- Takaki Okatani,(College of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), Hiroaki Tanaka*,Yuki Kurisu,Hidetoshi Nakajima, Keisuke Katsuta:Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education(Abstract)
- Takayuki Nakano, Hiroshi Une, Kazuki Yoshida, Satoshi Fujiwara, and Tomokazu Kobayashi:Evaluating earthquake-related ground failure mapping by combined traditional and modern methods(Abstract)
- Junko Iwahashi , Yoshiharu Nishioka (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST) , Daisaku Kawabata (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST), Akinobu Ando (Miyagi University of Education) , Hiroshi Une:Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft (Abstract)
Researchers (FY 2023)
- SASAGAWA, Akira : Head of Division
- TAMURA, Eiichi : Chief Researcher
- IWAHASHI, Junko : Chief Researcher
- YOSHIDA, Kazuki : Researcher
- ENDO,Ryo: Researcher
Research Projects (FY 2022)
■ Special study in GSI
- Research on Improvement of Estimation Accuracy of "Seismic Ground Disaster Assessment System (SGDAS)" (FY2021-2025)
- Research on methods for generating and using historical topographic data (FY2023-2025)
Paper in English
- Iwahashi J, Yamazaki D (2022): Global polygons for terrain classification divided into uniform slopes and basins. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, 33. [full text]
- Yamashita N, Ishizuka S, Hashimoto S, Ugawa S, Nanko K, Osone Y, Iwahashi J, et al. (2022): National-scale 3D mapping of soil organic carbon in a Japanese forest considering microtopography and tephra deposition. Geoderma, 406, 115534. [full text]
- Iwahashi J., Yamazaki D., Nakano T., Endo R.(2021):Classification of topography for ground vulnerability assessment of alluvial plains and mountains of Japan using 30 m DEM. Prog Earth Planet Sci 8, 3 [full text]
- Fujiwara S., Nakano T., Morishita Y. (2020): Detection of triggered shallow slips caused by large earthquakes using L-band SAR interferometry. Earth, Planets and Space 72:119. DOI: 10.1186/s40623-020-01239-6 [full text[PDF: 7.39MB]]
- Nakano T., Endo R., Ohno H., Iwahashi J. (2020): WATER AREA OBSERVATION EXPERIMENT USING OPTICAL SENSOR FOR EXTRACTING INUNDATION BOUNDARY AT NIGHT. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2020, 169-173. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B3-2020-169-2020 [full text[PDF: 1.23MB]]
- Nakano T., Une H., Yoshida K., Fujiwara S., Kobayashi T. (2019): Evaluating earthquake-related ground failure mapping by combined traditional and modern methods. Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA, 1, 14. DOI: 10.5194/ica-adv-1-14-2019 [full text[PDF:6.95MB] ]
- Fujiwara S., Nakano T., Morishita Y., Kobayashi T., Yarai H., Une H., Hayashi K.(2019): Detection and interpretation of local surface deformation from the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake using ALOS‑2 SAR data. Earth, Planets and Space, 71:64. DOI: 10.1186/s40623-019-1046-2 [full text[PDF:7.63MB] ]
- Iwahashi J., Kamiya I., Matsuoka M., Yamazaki D.(2018):Global terrain classification using 280 m DEMs: segmentation, clustering, and reclassification.Progress in Earth and Planetary Science,5(1)[Abstract ]
- Iwahashi J., Yamagishi H. (2017): Spatial comparison of two high resolution landslide inventory maps using GIS – a case study of the August 1961 and July 2004 landslides caused by heavy-rainfalls in the Izumozaki area, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. In: GIS Landslide (Hiromitsu Yamagishi and Netra Prakash Bhandary eds.), Springer, 13-29. Springer ISBN 978-4-431-54390-9, ISBN 978-4-431-54391-6 (eBook).
- Fujiwara S., Morishita Y., Nakano T., Kobayashi T., Yarai H. (2017): Non-tectonic liquefaction-induced large surface displacements in the Aso Valley, Japan, caused by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, revealed by ALOS-2 SAR. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 474C, pp. 457-465. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.001
[ past papers]
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