- Development of a New Japanese Geoid Model, "GSIGEO2000"
Hiroyuki NAKAGAWA, Kojin WADA, Tadayuki KIKKAWA, Hisao SHIMO, Hisashi ANDOU, Yuki KUROISHI, Yuki HATANAKA, Hiromi SHIGEMATSU, Kazuyuki TANAKA, Yoichi FUKUDA
49-1:abstracts The full text (PDF 690kb)
- Improvement of the Analysis Strategy of GEONET
Yuki HATANAKA, Toyohisa IIZUKA, Masanori SAWADA, Atsushi YAMAGIWA, Yukie KIKUTA, James M. Johnson, Christian Rocken
49-2:abstracts The full text (PDF 1,709kb)
- A Recent Result of Topographic Measurements by the GSI's Airborne SAR:
A Case Study of the Volcanic Island of Miyake-jima
49-3:abstracts The full text (PDF 792kb)
- Mapping of Micro Topography on Hill Slopes Using Airborne Laser Scanning
Tatsuo SEKIGUCHI, Hiroshi P. SATO, Seiji ICHIKAWA, Ryoichi KOJIROI
49-4:abstracts The full text (PDF 1,499kb)
- Publicity Activities of Global Mapping at Johannesburg Summit and Outcomes of the Summit
Hiroshi MASAHARU and Minoru AKIYAMA
49-5:abstracts The full text (PDF 477kb)
- Changing in the Name of the "Japan Sea"
Takehide HISHIYAMA and Masatoshi NAGAOKA
49-6:Introduction The full text (PDF 857kb)