Mapping of Micro Topography on Hill Slopes Using Airborne Laser Scanning

Tatsuo SEKIGUCHI, Hiroshi P. SATO, Seiji ICHIKAWA, Ryoichi KOJIROI


Rain-induced landslides may result in disaster by destroying homes and buildings. Fluid landslides are characterized by rapid movement and long run-out distance. Aerial photos have been used to observe and measure the slopes. In addition, a new technology called airborne laser scanning, is a promising tool for observing and measuring slopes. In this study, hilly terrain where landslides have occurred was measured by airborne laser scanning. Furthermore micro landslide characteristics such as scars were identified in detail, by combining contour maps based on airborne laser scanning data and remote sensing such as aerial photos interpretation.


1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Data preparation
  3.1 Airborne laser scanning
  3.2 Noise processing
  3.3 Filtering
  3.4 Validation of DTM elevation measurement accuracy
  3.5 Contour map
  3.6 Various mapping expression methods using airborne laser scanning data
4. Micro topography extraction by airborne laser scanning data
  4.1 Landform and geology of the Tama Hills
  4.2 Micro topography identification in the Hachioji sub-area
  4.3 Slope failure and landslide characteristics in the Hachioji sub-area
  4.4 The effectiveness of airborne laser scanning data for landslide study
5. Conclusion
6. Acknowledgements