Bulletin of the GSI (Vol.52)

  • The Long-Term Plan for Basic Survey
   Geographical Survey Institute
     abstracts  The full text (PDF 430kb)


  • Towards the Realization of Geo-Referencing Infrastructure for Dynamic Japan (GRID-Japan)
   Hiromichi TSUJI and Kazuo KOMAKI
     abstracts  The full text (PDF 972kb)

  • Development and Utilization of High Precision Digital Elevation Data taken by Airborne Laser Scanner
   Osamu AKUTSU, Masataka OHTA, Tamio ISOBE Hisamitsu ANDO, Takahiro NOGUCHI and Masayuki SHIMIZU
     abstracts  The full text (PDF 780kb)


  • Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Kuchisakamoto Area, Central Japan using DTM from Airborne LIDAR
   Hiroshi P. SATO and Tatsuo SEKIGUCHI
     abstracts  The full text (PDF 1,563kb)


  • Geomorphological Features of Avalanche Furrows in Heavy Snow Region in Japan
   Tatsuo SEKIGUCHI, Hiroshi P. SATO and Kazuya AKIYAMA
     abstracts  The full text (PDF 1,476kb)


  • A Table of Research and Development Projects at GSI (04.01.2003-03.31.2004)
   Geographical Survey Institute
     The full text (PDF 358kb)

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