The Long-Term Plan for Basic SurveyGeographical Survey Institute AbstractNotification No. 769 of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport The Long-Term Plan for Basic Survey has been formulated in accordance with the provision of Article 12 of the Survey Act of Japan (Law No. 188, 1949). The documents related to this are to be in the custody of the Geographical Survey Institute (1-Kitasato, Tsukuba, Ibaraki), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, where they shall be made available for reference and perusal. 30 June, 2004 Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport ISHIHARA Nobuteru Contents1. Overview 2. Period of the Plan 3. Vision of society after ten years Living: Society that supports the joyful life of the individual Environment and regional diversity: Society that preserves and restores a benign environment and enhances regional diversity Safety: Society that secures national safety Vitality: Society that maintains competitive economic developments 4. Role of government survey administration 5. Role of Basic Survey and goals of the Plan (1) Development of Geo-Referencing Infrastructure for Dynamic Japan (GRID-Japan) and promotion of its utilization (2) Development of Digital Japan core data and promotion of its utilization (3) Development of geographic information for disaster prevention and mitigation, and promotion of its utilization 6. Priority measures and projects to be pursued (1) Development of GRID-Japan and promotion of its utilization (2) Development of Digital Japan core data and promotion of its utilization (3) Development of geographic information for disaster prevention and mitigation, and promotion of its utilization 7. Promoting the Plan (1) International cooperation and global contribution (2) Further utilization of survey results and promotion of partnership (3) Research and development (4) Evaluation and review of the Plan |