Bulletin of the GSI (Vol.53)

  • Topographic Change of the Summit Crater of Asama Volcano during the 2004 Eruption Derived from Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Measurements
   Bokuro URABE, Nobuyuki WATANABE, and Makoto MURAKAMI
     53-1:abstracts  The full text (PDF 472kb)


  • Progress of Global Mapping Project since Johannesburg Summit in 2002
   Takaki OKATANI, Hiromichi MARUYAMA, Hisakazu SASAKI, Hidenori YAGUCHI, Toru NAGAYAMA, Shinichi KAYABA,
   Masatoshi ABE and Noriko KISHIMOTO
     53-2:abstracts  The full text (PDF 2,443kb)


  • Realization of data sharing as an approach to disaster with the Digital Japan Web System
   Hidenori FUJIMURA and Hiroyuki OHNO
     53-3:abstracts  The full text (PDF 1,018kb)


  • Real-time capability of GEONET system and its application to crust monitoring
     53-4:abstracts  The full text (PDF 490kb)


  • A plate motion model around Japan
   Hiroshi MUNEKANE and Yoshihiro FUKUZAKI
     53-5:abstracts  The full text (PDF 1,113kb)


  • Evaluations of LIDAR reflectance amplitude sensitivity towards land cover conditions
   Hiroyuki HASEGAWA
     53-6:abstracts  The full text (PDF 765kb)


  • Crustal deformation by the Southeast-off Kii Peninsula Earthquake
   Tetsuro IMAKIIRE, Shinzaburo OZAWA, Hiroshi YARAI, Takuya NISHIMURA and Hisashi SUITO
     53-7:abstracts  The full text (PDF 640kb)

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