Disaster Prevention Activities by GSI
GSI serves as the Disignated Administrative Organ under the Disaster Measures Basic Law. The country is very vulnerable to large-scale natural disasters all along the Archipelago, which is threatened by possible earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, typhoons, floods, and tsunamis. It is vitally important to protect the citizens and national land from those disasters and to minimize loss of lives and properties. Increased efforts are needed to have comprehensive and effective disaster prevention measures in place. GSI serves as the Designated Administrative Organ, a national government body expressly designated by the Ptime Minister under the Disaster Measures Basic Law(Law 223, 1961). As such we develop and provide information closely related with disaster prevention:information on natural phenomena including crustal movements, and topographic and land condition information of the country(geographic information). They are widely provided to all the related offices of the national and local governments, contributing to enhanced disaster prevention coordination and efforts at all levels. GSI conducts various surveying and monitoring activities throughout Japan. Continuous observation through an extensive network of GPS-based control stations is one of the most important ones. Results and data obtained from those activities are analyzed and provided to the public as crustal movement information. The geographic information of GSI range from topographic maps, aerial photograghs, to land condition maps combined with disaster prevention information given on the topographic maps. They are widely available to the public. We also promote development and application of GIS and digital maps, where several layers of geographic information can be overlaid. For more detail |