30-seconds data tidal records

Application method of 30-seconds data tidal records

Application method

Please apply for the value tide title data for 30 seconds and apply for necessary one by E-mail or faxing and mailing after filling in the following item.
For security reasons, an attached file is not available for this e-mail address. Please write all information in the main text.

Application items

 Name of the applicant
 Name of the organization (company)
 Telephone number
 (if you are applying though facsimile)
 E-mail address
 Utilization purpose of data
 Name of tidal station

Application place

 E-mail :gsi-tide-1@gxb.mlit.go.jp
 FAX : 81-29-864-8381
  1 Kitasato Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken
  Coastal Movements Monitoring Section
  Geodetic Observation Center,
  Geospatial Information Authority of Japan