Download for 1km NDVI-data [ From 1997 to 2007 ]

The list of files available for download

Following table shows the data source of NDVI in each period.
Please click the file name to download NDVI data of each month.
NOAA 12 was used temporarily between NOAA 14 and 16, due to the receiving condition of NOAA 14. We started using NOAA 17 from Apr. 2004.
Period Using NOAA satellite
From Apr. 1997 to Mar. 2001 NOAA 14
From Apr. 2001 to Oct. 2001 NOAA 12
From Nov. 2001 to Mar. 2004 NOAA 16
From Apr. 2004 NOAA 17

  2007's 2007's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names
Jan. 1.4 200701-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. 1.3 200702-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. 1.4 200703-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.5 200704-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 1.8 200705-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 1.8 200706-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.6 200707-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.7 200708-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.7 200709-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.7 200710-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.6 200711-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.5 200712-ndvi.raw.Z
  2005's 2005's NDVI image 2006's 2006's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names file size(MB) download file names
Jan. 1.3 200501-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200601-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. 1.2 200502-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200602-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. 1.4 200503-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200603-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.5 200504-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 200604-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 1.9 200505-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200605-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 1.9 200506-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200606-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.8 200507-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200607-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.7 200508-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200608-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.8 200509-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200609-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.8 200510-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200610-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.6 200511-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 200611-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.4 200512-ndvi.raw.Z 1.4 200612-ndvi.raw.Z
  2003's 2003's NDVI image 2004's 2004's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names file size(MB) download file names
Jan. 1.3 200301-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200401-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. 1.4 200302-ndvi.raw.Z 1.2 200402-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. 1.4 200303-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200403-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.5 200304-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 200404-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 1.9 200305-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200405-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 1.9 200306-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200406-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.8 200307-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 200407-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.8 200308-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200408-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.7 200309-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 200409-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.8 200310-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 200410-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.6 200311-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 200411-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.4 200312-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 200412-ndvi.raw.Z
(Accuracy of Jan. 2004's data is slightly low due to the satellite condition.)
2007's  2005's-2006's  2003's-2004's  2001's-2002's  1999's-2000's  1997's-1998's  Specifications of the Data Provided

  2001's 2001's NDVI image 2002's 2002's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names file size(MB) download file names
Jan. 1.3 200101-ndvi.raw.Z 1.4 200201-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. 1.3 200102-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200202-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. 1.3 200103-ndvi.raw.Z 1.4 200203-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.5 200104-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 200204-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 2.0 200105-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200205-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 2.0 200106-ndvi.raw.Z 1.9 200206-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.8 200107-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200207-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.8 200108-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200208-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.8 200109-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200209-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.8 200110-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200210-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.6 200111-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 200211-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.5 200112-ndvi.raw.Z 1.4 200212-ndvi.raw.Z
  1999's 1999's NDVI image 2000's 2000's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names file size(MB) download file names
Jan. 1.4 199901-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200001-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. 1.4 199902-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200002-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. 1.4 199903-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200003-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.6 199904-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200004-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 1.8 199905-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200005-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 2.0 199906-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 200006-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.9 199907-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200007-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.8 199908-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200008-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.7 199909-ndvi.raw.Z 1.7 200009-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.6 199910-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 200010-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.5 199911-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200011-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.4 199912-ndvi.raw.Z 1.3 200012-ndvi.raw.Z
(Accuracy of Dec. 1999's and Jan. 2000's NDVI data are slightly low.)
  1997's 1997's NDVI image 1998's 1998's NDVI image
Month file size(MB) download file names file size(MB) download file names
Jan. - (No data) 1.3 199801-ndvi.raw.Z
Feb. - (No data) 1.4 199802-ndvi.raw.Z
Mar. - (No data) 1.3 199803-ndvi.raw.Z
Apr. 1.4 199704-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 199804-ndvi.raw.Z
May. 1.8 199705-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 199805-ndvi.raw.Z
Jun. 1.8 199706-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 199806-ndvi.raw.Z
Jul. 1.7 199707-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 199807-ndvi.raw.Z
Aug. 1.7 199708-ndvi.raw.Z 1.8 199808-ndvi.raw.Z
Sep. 1.7 199709-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 199809-ndvi.raw.Z
Oct. 1.6 199710-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 199810-ndvi.raw.Z
Nov. 1.5 199711-ndvi.raw.Z 1.6 199811-ndvi.raw.Z
Dec. 1.4 199712-ndvi.raw.Z 1.5 199812-ndvi.raw.Z

Specifications of the Data Provided 

Data Coverage

East - west direction: from long. 120 degrees E. to long. 150 degrees E.
South - north direction: from lat. 20 degrees N. to lat. 50 degrees N.
data coverage image
Data Coverage

Data Size and Format

Grid size
a grid of 30 seconds for both longitudinal and latitudinal directions
Data size
3,600 pixels x 3,600 lines x 1 byte (12.96 MB)
binary data without header

Data Compression

The volume of NDVI data is approximately 13 MB when downloaded in raw data. The data were compressed in gzip to reduce time for download.
Address for your opinions and questions:
eodas E-mail